Bulgarian Street Workout Federation

Предстои нещо много важно, нещо което променя всичко в българския уличен фитнес . Нещо , което ни издига на по – високо ниво. Нещо, което ни дава повече свобода за изява. Нещо, за което мнозина се борят със зъби и нокти. Нещо, което ще ни разграничи от любителските състезания и събирания. Нещо, което ще покаже на света КОИ СМЕ и за какво се борим….
А именно създаването на федерация по уличен фитнес. Този спорт неимоверно стана един от най – практикуваните и бързо развиващи се спортове в България. С всяко изминало събиране и състезание набира по – голяма популярност. Радва се и на неочаквано внимание от страна на медиите. До преди седмица всички събития бяха напълно любителски. От сега се създава едно ново начало. И ето конференцията, на която бяха поканени „ знаменитостите на лостовете „ , стана реалност. Вече с твърда ръка екипът , от когото съм част и аз за моя огромна радост, поема отговорността да се погрижи за това да прослави България чрез легализирането на тази федерация. Разбира се задачата не е лесна. Изискванията, които трябва да покрием няма да ни спрат, защото българите с право могат да претендират, че притежават не малко таланти, които имат какво да покажат на света и ние сме готови да го докажем. За мен е чест да съм част от това грандиозно събитие.
Целта ни не е само да мотивираме повече хора да тренират, а и да се борят , за да постигнат
мечтите си , да се трудят и да видят, че всяко нещо може да стане реалност ако го искаш наистина и правиш всичко възможно да се осъществи. Така и ние смятаме да осъществим нашата мечта.

Снимки: Бисер Боянов

Hello guys!  I want to announce you, that something really big is approaching. Something that will lead us to a higher level, something really valuable.. something new!  Me and my team "Street Workout" attended a press and talked about the creation of an official federation of Street Fitness in Bulgaria. We'll have to work really hard and give our best in order to achieve it, but I'm sure we will! The main idea of the whole thing is to popularize the Street Fitness as much as possible, to motivate many new people to start working out and last but not least - to follow their dreams! Stay tuned to this webpage for further information!

Радостин Колев

Ангел Генчев

Иван Велинов

Калоян Стоянов

Кирил Трифонов

Пламен Пейков


Мартин Каменарски

Пламен Тодоров

Стоян Стоянов
Денис Пламенов (диабло)
Yoana Orton
Тони Липошлиев

 http://facebook.com/YoanaOrton/ Facebook

 http://Youtube.com/user/RippedKristiyan/featured/ My Youtube channel

1st of June - Yoana Orton

Hey, how did you spend 1st of June? I hope you had a great time!
At that day I was really busy and did not rest at all but I really enjoyed it. My present was the invitation to become  a member of the jury of a famous child competition organized because of the holiday. There were 170 kids from all parts of Bulgaria. Many TV's captured it and I had the opportunity to meat stars like Galin,Nikoleta Lozanova, Zlatka Dimitrova, Gergana, Ice Cream. We've been discussing the kids and giving them rewards.
I was given the title "Princess of the competition" and 2 crowns.
Stay tuned to my facebook page and blog, many passionate pictures are coming soon!!!

Как си прекарахте 1 юни? Е ,надявам се да е страхотно.За мен все пак дори и тогава нямаше почивка и въпреки това се забавлявах наистина много! Моят подарък бе да бъда част от звездното жури на Детския бал по случай празника! В светското събитие участваха над 170 деца от цяла България! Събитието отрази много телевизии,от които очаквайте интервюта и много кадри.Имах честта да се срещна и запозная със звезди като Галин,Николета Лозанова,Златка Димитрова,Гергана и група Ice Cream,с които оценявахме децата заедно.Всички деца си тръгнаха с корони,ленти и купи.От своя страна пък аз получих лента " Принцеса на конкурса и Грация ",както и две корони.Снимки изпълнени със страст и емоции очаквайте САМО в страницата ми!

Some Weighted Dips HD

Here it is me with my newest video!
I'm performing 20 dips with additional weight while having fun with my friends. Hope you like the video and if so don't forget to like & share it!

An autograph from Yoana Orton

Firstly, I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to everybody who supports me!!!
Not only with your donations, but with your great attitude and positive comments !
For now on, everybody who sends me a donation (via my donation page - here), will receive a HD picture of me, holding his name in my hands. Every picture will be unique.The pictures will be uploaded in my Facebook page. 
Once again, thank you guys I love you <3

Me and my team in Bulgaria Got Talent

Hey guys!
If you've liked my facebook page you'll probably noticed a few pictures of me and my team on the stage of Bulgaria Got Talent. We managed to reach the semi finals and I can say that it was the most emotional experience I have ever had. Me and the whole crowd were crying at the end of our performance (as you can see in the video below).. it was just amazing!
One more thing I'd like to share with you. Bulgaria Got Talent gave us the opportunity to return to the show, in case we gather the most LIKES in their webpage. So I'd like to sincerely ask you for help - just open THIS link and click "Харесва ми".
Here is the video of me and my team. Hope you like it and don't forget to hit the LIKE & Share buttons!

What is coming up :3

Hi guys!
In case you don't recognize the man next to me, its Yordan Yovchev. He is the best Bulgarian gymnast ever, and it was a great honor for me to meet him.

However, that's not the main topic of this publication. What I wanted to share with you guys is that I'm not uploading videos at the moment, because I want to  increase my skills on the bar just a little bit. When I'm  done I promise you'll be amazed of my new skills and even my vision.

I hope I grabbed your attention!
Stay tuned to my website, and also subscribed to RippedKristiyan profile in Youtube, so you'll be able to watch my newest videos as soon as they are uploaded.

My Newest Vid On The Bars

Hey guys!!!

These days I made my newest vid, hope you like it and if so don't forget to click the LIKE & SHARE buttons !!!

Check out this page on a daily, ill be uploading more and more videos now!!!

Also don't forget to Subscribe to the RippedKristiyan channel in Youtube, that's where my videos are going to be uploaded!

I Love you!

Preparing for Planche (Video)

Hey guys! I just filmed part of my workout. Doing some push ups, which must help me with my planche, hope you like the vid, and if so don't forget to LIKE & SHARE it, because that helps me A LOT !!!

1 Arm Push Ups With An Injured Hand

Hey guys!
Recently, I injured my hand and keeping my typical workout sessions became kind of hard work. Even tho I'm not giving up and still giving my best!
A prove.. the short vid I filmed for you .. Hope you like it! And if so, don't forget to LIKE & SHARE!
Thank you all <3

Some Push Ups

Hey guys!
I decided to post a video where you can see me doing some hard on the wrist push ups. Hope you like the vid, if so don't forget to hit the LIKE & SUB buttons! <3

14th Birthday + Something Else:)

Hey guys! I've got some happy news to share with you!
Firstly, I'd like to tell you, that today - 11.1.2014 I am turning 14! I wish myself health, less injuries, more street fitness successes and true friends which will always stay next to me and support me with everything I do.
On the other hand, I'd like to tell you that me and a few friends prepared and sent a video to Bulgaria Got Talent, and we hope that we're going to get approved. Wish us good luck!

More to come

Here is not my last but my greatest video. I'm showing some of my skills on the bar. Too bad I injured my shoulder in the last few seconds of the vid :`(
Hope you like it!
Don't forget to Like & Subscribe!